How I Set Myself Up for a Successful Outcome

On the 18th I’m scheduled for a knee replacement surgery, I’ll be in the hospital overnight and then I’ll be in a rehab center, I don’t know for how long before I’m able to come home.

I’m not going to lie, yes I am concerned and I am at times flipping out, but at the same time I know that everything will be ok, the surgery will be a success, and I will get through this and will be perfect and happy and grateful that I’m after it all, and everything turned out great.

flower pink (1)

I’m trying to hold on to my deepest beliefs here, that what we put out into the universe with our thoughts and feelings is what we receive back from the universe.  So  I’m envisioning me after everything, healthy and well and feeling so happy.  Seeing myself walking around my neighborhood, stopping and taking photos.  Thanking our Great Mystery our Divine Mother, my angels and all the celestial beings who are with me helping me and blessing me.  Giving thanks that the surgery was a success and I’m now able to travel.  I’m on a cruise.  I’m climbing mountains YEAH!!! (well maybe the mountains thing will stay in my imagination :), and  I’m feeling extremely happy and giving thanks that I’m healed and well.  I’m blessing and thanking the surgeon and his team, and all the people who helped me.  Thank you – Thank you – Thank you.


When I decided to bring my rose quartz crystal with me to have its loving energy, I wanted to take a photo for this blog post and the funny thing is that the crystal kept on falling out of my hand and I couldn’t hold on to it to snap a picture.  After about the fifth time I finally got the message, LOL, I was using the wrong background. The minute I realized this, my mothers needlepoint with the Hummingbirds that she made for me years ago came into my mind.  There was more to this than just my crystal. The Hummingbird is bringing the message of hope and jubilation.  Of joy, renewal, healing and more.  And of course my darling mother letting me know she’s with me, watching over me, all will be well.  A sign of hope to take with me.

Life is not always sunshine and flowers and magical fluffy stuff.  With every new age come new challenges.  I’m 72 now and my body is not what it was when I was 20, or 30 or even 60, or last year.  And so, I’m moving with the flow, holding on to my vision of wellness, being grateful, having faith in the process and allowing it to unfold in the way that it’s supposed to – divinely.



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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

12 thoughts on “How I Set Myself Up for a Successful Outcome

    1. Thank you so much Kay, I really appreciate your good thoughts and prayers. I’m looking forward to many good years, the surgeon said it should last for 30 years, so I’ll be 102 when I’ll need another replacement LOL. Blessings.

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  1. I love the Hummingbird needlepoint, and I think you’ve captured the importance of hope, new beginnings, trust and faith in this post very well. Masha, I wish you the very, very best for your surgery tomorrow – I hope the procedure and your recovery go as smoothly as possible. We’ll all be rooting for you. Let us know how you are when you can, but there’s no pressure. Sending my very best wishes & lots of love and hugs your way ♥♥♥
    Caz xxxx

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    1. Trust, faith, new beginnings, it all kind of fell into place and this is what I’m holding on to. Thank you Caz, thank you for your good wishes, the love and hugs, I will post something when I can. Blessings ❤

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