This Morning Practice can Change Everything

Hello wonderful you,

Smile, your body is listening (message on a bathroom mirror)

When I saw Kelly Ray Robert’s Instagram post I was inspired to share with you my morning practice.  It’s not very complicated and it may seem a bit silly, but, I can tell you that it’s very powerful, it changes everything. It’s made a huge difference in my own life and I know it can make a difference for you too.

The first thing I do when I wake is, I consciously, intentionally and purposefully bring to my mind loving, kind uplifting thoughts about myself and I say them to myself – I am so happy.  I love me.  I love everything about me, every single little inch of me.  I love my life. I am so blessed. I am prosperous.  I am vibrant and whole.  I am healthy…and as I’m saying these affirmations to myself I feel the happiness, the joy, the love that it’s creating in my body. It’s like my whole being is smiling and healing.

When I go into the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror smile at myself and I tell myself good things – you are great, you are amazing – I can do anything…sometimes I make silly faces and I just LOL crack myself up.

A few more affirmations:

I am divinely guided. The universe always supports me. I’m listening to my inner knowing. I am healthy and getting healthier every day. I am worthy, deserving, I am smart and amazing. I am proud of me. I am open to receive all the goodness. Miracles are happening for me today.

This didn’t come so easy and without struggle. I had a hard time accepting those words of loving kindness towards myself, all I ever did, like many of us, is put myself down. When I started this practice I thought being kind to myself was something shameful, egotistical and everything else that meant that I wasn’t a good person and how dare I?

Every word and thought you have creates a feeling within you, every feeling creates an experience and every experience creates your reaction.

You have the ability every day to consciously choose how you want to feel, what you want to experience and how you want to act in that day. When you don’t make a conscious choice and choose, what you’re doing is giving that power away.

You can choose to have thoughts that will give you feelings of confidence, self worth, happiness. You can choose to give yourself feelings that will embrace you and feel loving and good and hold you up and empower you.  And when you feel good about yourself you will give good to others and you will attract more good towards yourself, your days will unfold in magical ways.

And I gotta be honest with you, this morning I just couldn’t concentrate, I tried and tried but my mind kept on jumping to other things and I couldn’t concentrate onto myself but, you know what? that’s ok, it happens, every day cannot be the same and if you can’t get into it or, you just don’t feel like it, that’s ok, tomorrow is a new day.

By repeating this practice every day I’ve created a ritual that honors my own sacred being. I’m removing stress and negativity from myself and I’m opening up to receiving goodness and blessings. I’m also putting myself in a positive emotional state and I’m setting myself up for success.

This one act of self-love has empowered me to know myself in ways I would not have without it.

My invitation for you today – give yourself this precious gift of a few minutes of loving on yourself first thing and watch everything change 🙂

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What I’ve found delightful around the web:

On my Insta. about these beautiful flowers, here

I love this 2022 guide to everything Thanksgiving that is all about comfort and ease, here

Well, that’s it for today. I hope this blog post serves you and inspires you. Leave a comment love to hear from you.

Wishing you a happy, bright and blessed Thanksgiving.

Masha xo


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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

10 thoughts on “This Morning Practice can Change Everything

  1. These are such wise words Masha and some great ideas here too. I have recently started to begin my days with a gratitude practice and already it is making a difference to how my day feels.
    In your post, I especially love these words and am going to copy them into my journal:
    “You have the ability every day to consciously choose how you want to feel, what you want to experience and how you want to act in that day”

    Thank you for such a lovely, uplifting post 🙂

    Very best wishes and have a wonderful week

    Sarah x

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    1. Thank you Sarah for your lovely comment. I also have a gratitude practice but I kind of go in and out of it, right now I haven’t been doing it so thanks for the reminder. I’m so happy that my words speak to you and keeping them in your journal is a really great idea. Love it. Have a beautiful week. xo

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