A Time for Extreme Self-Love

This is a time for extreme self-love and self-care, and I like all of us, need some extra special love right now.  I’m trying to be strong for my kids so they don’t worry about me, but the truth is  that I’m a bundle of emotions.  I have moments where I’m totally stressed out, on edge, anxious and then I have moments where I’m feeling calm and joyful and I know everything will be all right.

I think that practicing self-love & self-care right now is more important than ever.  Loving ourselves and caring for ourself has to be an essential part of our daily routine. It’s not a luxury, it’s an essential part in keeping ourselves healthy, strong, and maintaining a healthy immune system.

hello self

One of my self-love practices is, I write myself a ‘love note’ and I like to place it on the end table in my hanging out room so I can see it throughout the day.  Every time my eyes land on – hello self I love you – it makes me smile, uplifts me and fills me with joy.  I wrote this a couple of months ago, and I’m still looking at it every day, and it’s still nourishing me.

If you need some extra special love right now, try this – write yourself a love note – place it someplace where you’ll see it throughout the day, it can be anything that makes you feel good.  Your own words, a phrase from a book, lyrics from a song…anything that will elevate your spirit, make you smile, feel good, feel happy and fill you with joy.

Buddha said “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

And now more than ever we all need to do whatever we can to empower ourselves and give ourselves self-love & self-care to get us through this time.  And let’s remember that this will pass and – Everything will be alright.



Learning to Embrace my Imperfections

I pulled this card today, and I wanted to share it with you because it’s the perfect message right now.  It asks “What can you release to connect to the source of your power?…”  It’s perfect because I’ve been beating myself up over having put my foot in my mouth a couple of days ago, and I’m still feeling bad over it and I need to release that out of me so I can connect with my inner power.  Can’t do it if I’m holding on to my mishap, and putting myself down with negative self talk.


Sometimes I say something, or do something without thinking, it just comes out of me, and later it hits me and I’m like OMG!!! I can’t believe I said that or did that.  When that happens I have a habit of beating myself up and making myself crazy with negative self talk.  I should have known better.  Whatever possessed me?  Why didn’t I stop myself?  I should have…and I’m thinking about how what I said, or did, is perceived by others or how it affected others and what must they think of me, and what can I do now to change it, and…OMG I just can’t believe myself… And the beating up on myself goes on and on…and all it does is make me anxious, stressed out and I feel even worse.

This is part of my growing and honestly, learning to embrace my imperfections has not been easy and I haven’t found that one quick fix yet.  And hey, if you know of one please let me know because I’ll take all the help I can get here.

So here’s the wisdom this card offers – It’s during these times that I have to stop and remind myself that stuff happens and I’m not perfect.  I’m still working on myself and instead of beating myself up, I should ask myself how is this barrage of negative self talk helping? Am I empowering myself right now?  Look at it, learn from it, forgive myself and release it so – I can stand in my power.

If you relate to this message, I’d love to hear from you, feel free to share.

The featured card is from the, Elena Brower Practice You, Daily Awakening Deck.



Every Moment Holds Possibilities

Every moment holds a richness within it that is waiting to be unlocked. A world of new possibilities, of unlimited potential, of opportunities, of miracles and magic. Of feelings yet unknown, of experiences yet to uncover. Of great mysteries to be unveiled.possibilities3

Every moment offers us the possibilities to change our life, to uplift ourselves, to look at what we want to hold on to and what we want to let go of.

Every moment is filled with new choices we can make, a new path we can take, a new project we can start.

In every moment we can nourish our souls, we can decide to…take another step towards our dream. Renew. Change. Become empowered.  Open a new door within.

With every moment we can –

Let go of judgment.

Leave toxic relationships.

Create a new vision for ourselves.

We can –

Dream bigger.



Be gentle with our self.

Get curious.


In every moment lies the opportunity to open to our Great Mother and become the co-creators of our life together with Her.

In every moment lies endless possibilities…




Lets Get Real…

“The beauty that is within you cannot be contained…it will be reflected without; let it shine forth.” ~ Eileen Caddy

One of the hardest things for me has been to open up about myself and write about me. Oh I can talk very easily and tell someone about myself, no problem.  And at times even disclose secret things, but when it comes to writing them something happens to me, I freeze, I block, I can’t seem to get the words from inside to flow out to the page in the same way that I can get the words to flow out from my mouth.

I don’t know why that is, well I do. Mostly it’s because before I even start writing I’m judging, deleting, editing, criticizing every word before I even let it come into my consciousness if that’s possible.

Purple 2.jpegAnother reason stems from my childhood. My parents were both holocaust survivors, and from a very young age my father would warn me every single day not to tell anyone anything about me or my family. If anyone asks he would warn me, tell them “you don’t know” – These words made me hide myself away afraid to let anyone see the real me, “I don’t know” became my mantra for my life. My father passed away when I was thirteen years old, but his stern warning has stayed with me my entire life.

And then there is of course Miss Perfectionist at work here.  I worry over what people will think, how they will perceive me and that stops my words from flowing.  Instead, my writing becomes stiff, doesn’t sound like me and is laced with high fluting words that I probably would not use in normal every day conversation and this all because I want to look and sound intelligent and interesting and brilliant and clever… on paper.

Knowing all this has not made a difference, I’m still stumped and freeze and can’t write about me, my story, from my heart.

Pink summer flowers.jpegSo I decided to commit to myself and practice writing about ME every day.  Practice opening up, taking myself out of the way and allowing my divine inner self out.

I keep on thinking about what Anne Lamott says in her book Bird by Bird about the need to let go and write those “shitty first drafts” how we need to have those (and I’ll probably have lots of those) to gain clarity into our second and third drafts.  And for me a way to remove those blocks and get to the space of brilliance within.

So this is a start towards a more deeper conversation here, and a deeper more real blog. It may not happen every week, but I hope you’ll join in on the conversation and let me know how it makes you feel.

I’m getting real!



Every Day We Can…

Every day is a new day to open our imagination, to invite our creativity, to mesmerize ourselves with the beauty that surrounds us – to be inspired.

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Every day is an opportunity to bless the world we live in, to bless someone, to bless ourself.

Every day we stand in the glory of our own majesty and we can open the doorway to the wisdom and the magic and the miracles that surround us, they will show up if we open our heart to them and expect them.

Every day invites us to look, smell, to find, to be our own authentic selves.

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Every day we stand empowered at the helm of new opportunities.  Everyday we stand at the edge of a new beginning where the world is laid out at our feet waiting for us to pick up our desires, our dreams, our wants, our needs, what we crave.

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Every day we can say YES to the rhythm that wants to unfold.  To our own inner gifts that we’ve been given.  Every day we can stand in the power of our own truth and honor who we came here to be.

Every day we choose how we want , what we want, what we give, what we receive.  Every day we decide fear, love, hate, jealousy, generosity.  We can believe, trust, surrender, forgive, be happy…  Every day we decide if we want to honor our bodies, our mind and our spirit and nourish ourselves with healthy choices.

Every day we can open the gateway and take the first step that starts a new journey.  We can create a new vision, we can invite the mystery in, we can live in grace.

Every day we can empower ourselves, we can know that we are the power of our own imagination – unravel our own self, break down our walls.  Every day we can open up, allow our higher self, follow our own intuition and say YES – YES – to our blessed glorious lives…YES. YES. YES.

What are you saying YES to today?  Leave a comment, share your yes here, love to chat and please feel free to share this post.

Every day blessings



Just Some Photos

This week I’m sharing some photos.  Last week I was in Las Vegas visiting with my son, his girl friend and my granddaughter, here are some photos of what we did.

I love all the bling in Las Vegas, and all the shopping 🙂   This is on display going down the escalator in Macy’s, at the Fashion Show shopping mall.

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We took a ride to the gorgeous Red Rock Canyon National Conservation, Las Vegas, Nevada.  Breathtaking!

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These rock formations, their gorgeous colors and their natural beauty are – AMAZING!!!

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A little green.

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A late afternoon walk at Tivoli Village in Summerlin.

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And what’s a day without a good cup of coffee?  At the Cafe Leone in Tivoli Village.

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Thanks for spending some time with me.  Oh and by the way, I didn’t post any photos of me, none of them came out good I deleted all.

Wishing you a blessed Easter day!