Ways to Simplify

Slow down.


Set boundaries.  Say yes, only to what you really mean yes to.

Accept to love yourself without guilt or shame.

Let go of what doesn’t matter.

Let go of what’s not yours to worry over.

Let go of other people’s drama.


Liberate yourself and let go of limiting beliefs.  Weed them out and let go of them, and  take that first step towards freedom.

You choose – decide to be healthy, happy, prosperous, worthy, deserving, loving…

Have gratitude for the little things, even the ones you think are meaningless.

You cannot get to your true self while you’re covered up with overwhelm.

Live consciously.

Create an easy morning routine that supports you.

When you simplify your life you’ll gain more energy, you’ll remove extra mental and physical clutter, you’ll feel lighter, you’ll gain space and time.  You’ll be opening doors to your own inner self.

Simplify your days, simplify your life.  Make room for your true self to shine.

Love to hear your thoughts.



Finding Wonder and Joy in Every Day

When I pull up the shades and this is what I see, it makes my soul sing with joy.


A few days ago I fell and by some divine miracle I didn’t hurt my surgery knee, (from which I’m still not fully recovered,) nor did I  completely kill myself.  I am bruised and still feel the fall, but I’m OK.  It’s been four months since the surgery, and I haven’t been able to really go outside and walk around looking for wonder to photograph.

I started off this year with the word “mindfulness” and as the year progressed two other words attached themselves to me, “joy” and “wonder”.  And so far it’s been a real gift to find joy and wonder in the everyday things.  This morning I pulled up the shade and I was immediately struck by this gorgeous view.   I usually don’t photograph airplanes, nor are there many flying over my house, but there it was, the sky the airplane the trees the colors, I could feel the beauty and the view just hit me, a gift to my senses.

Wonder and joy are all around us, they are in our every day no matter where we are, we can find it if we’re open to it.  I feel joy washing the pots I used to cook my dinner in, I love feeling the warm water run through my fingers.  I feel great joy cleaning my kitchen after dinner, feeling grateful for another end of a day and leaving it clean and ready for the morning.

The most important part to bringing a moment of joy and wonder into our day is to want to.  It’s our choice, we get to decide, we can set our intention to be mindful, and open to see wonder in the things that we do or look at every day.

Do you look for a moment of wonder and joy in your days? Come and join in the fun and share your moment, I’d love to know.

Wonder Joy Blessings


The Universe is Always Responding to Us and Guiding Us

We live in a glorious Universe that is always communicating with us and is always giving us what we ask for.  The thing is that we’re not always aware of this, and whether we know this consciously or not, the Universe is always responding to us.  When we keep ourselves open, believe, have faith in that it will be given to us, and know without a doubt that what we ask for will appear – we will see it.   For me, I don’t always see what is right in front of me (LOL) that’s why when I ask for something, I always ask that the Universe make it so clear that there’ll no mistaking that this is the answer.


I’ve been asking for a book that will open my heart and yesterday while looking at Five Minute Friday on Instagram, an online writing community that I like to follow, I noticed this book on their page that attracted me, so I immediately went to Amazon to check it out.  When I hit enter, the second that it came up, my entire body started to tingle.  That’s not something you can make yourself feel.   And not just a slight tingling, and not just on my left side, where I’ve experienced it before,  but this was a tingling that was in my entire body and it was so strong that there was no way I could miss it.  I stopped what I was doing, closed my eyes, and just sat with this vibration that was electrifying in me.

There is no  doubt in my mind that the Universe guided me to this book, I didn’t even need to read the excerpt to know that there’s something magical and special here and I need to read.

Have you had an experience that was so obvious to you that you couldn’t ignore it?  Please feel free to share, I’d love to know.




Look Into Yourself You already Know

WOW! It’s August already.   Starting August with a reminder that you already have everything you need to know inside of you.  Turn inward ask the answers will come.

There are times when I really question all that I know, and I get stuck in a place where I just don’t believe that I can, or that I am, and what I know.  A couple of days ago when I was writing in my journal, questioning myself, these words came out of me and appeared on the page, and when I read them back to myself, I knew these are the words of my higher-self, my inner Goddess, letting me know that I do know.  I didn’t see it at first but later that evening I had a AHA moment, that revealed the wisdom.  She said…

hello august

deep in your soul you know

you know what you want

you know what you need

you know how it is

you know why you know how you know where and what and who

deep in your soul, you know – you know who YOU are

you know it all

deep in your soul you’re perfect, you’re pure love, you’re magnificent you’re ageless

you’re brilliant

you’re whole

you’re the light of the Universe

deep in your soul you hold forgiveness without judgement

deep in your soul you’re the one

deep in your soul angels are singing your song

deep in your soul – you know!

August Blessings




Happy Spring!!!

Spring is here!!!

spring flowers

I just wanted to stop by and wish you Spring blessings and share this quote I love  –

“Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of Spring?”  ~Neltje Blanchan

Happy Blessed Spring!!!



Lets Get Real…

“The beauty that is within you cannot be contained…it will be reflected without; let it shine forth.” ~ Eileen Caddy

One of the hardest things for me has been to open up about myself and write about me. Oh I can talk very easily and tell someone about myself, no problem.  And at times even disclose secret things, but when it comes to writing them something happens to me, I freeze, I block, I can’t seem to get the words from inside to flow out to the page in the same way that I can get the words to flow out from my mouth.

I don’t know why that is, well I do. Mostly it’s because before I even start writing I’m judging, deleting, editing, criticizing every word before I even let it come into my consciousness if that’s possible.

Purple 2.jpegAnother reason stems from my childhood. My parents were both holocaust survivors, and from a very young age my father would warn me every single day not to tell anyone anything about me or my family. If anyone asks he would warn me, tell them “you don’t know” – These words made me hide myself away afraid to let anyone see the real me, “I don’t know” became my mantra for my life. My father passed away when I was thirteen years old, but his stern warning has stayed with me my entire life.

And then there is of course Miss Perfectionist at work here.  I worry over what people will think, how they will perceive me and that stops my words from flowing.  Instead, my writing becomes stiff, doesn’t sound like me and is laced with high fluting words that I probably would not use in normal every day conversation and this all because I want to look and sound intelligent and interesting and brilliant and clever… on paper.

Knowing all this has not made a difference, I’m still stumped and freeze and can’t write about me, my story, from my heart.

Pink summer flowers.jpegSo I decided to commit to myself and practice writing about ME every day.  Practice opening up, taking myself out of the way and allowing my divine inner self out.

I keep on thinking about what Anne Lamott says in her book Bird by Bird about the need to let go and write those “shitty first drafts” how we need to have those (and I’ll probably have lots of those) to gain clarity into our second and third drafts.  And for me a way to remove those blocks and get to the space of brilliance within.

So this is a start towards a more deeper conversation here, and a deeper more real blog. It may not happen every week, but I hope you’ll join in on the conversation and let me know how it makes you feel.

I’m getting real!
