Getting by those Critical Inner Voices

I signed up for Blogging from the Heart on the first day Susannah Conway opened it up for registration.  I had been waiting since last year when I first read about it, to take this class.


In the meantime, I had no intention of signing up for any other classes.  I like to take one class at a time and be able to really savor them.

But then I get a newsletter from Janet Conner that her course Soul Vows is open for registration.  This is a course I already took twice and had no intention of taking it again now that I was signed up for Blogging from the Heart.  But her newsletter nagged at me and I knew that I needed to take this class.  Janet’s book Soul Vows was just released and I’m mentioned in that book, telling how I received three of my soul vows last year.  Her courses are all deep, mystical inspirations that open ways and doors I never knew existed.  I followed my guidance and signed up.

After I signed up, of course those inner critical voices started in on me.

(No matter how much inner work I’ve done, they still show up.)

Oh no, what have you done?  How will you do it?  Two courses at the same time?  Maybe you should opt out of one of them.  You can make up an excuse.  You know you’re not going to be able to keep up.  And on and on…those critical inner voices were out in full force, out of control and creating havoc inside of me.


For two days I was immersed in thoughts of not being able to do this, and how am I going to do it, and here I’m spending all this money, and bla bla…  And then I remembered to ask my angels and celestial beings to help me.  The answer came right away – of course, I need to STEP INTO MY POWER.  (This is one of my vows) The Universe is supporting me and everything will work out perfectly.

I let my inner critical voices know that I’m in charge and they can rest now.  I love them, but I got this.

So, I’m in the middle of Soul Vows and my new Blogging from the Heart course started today.  Yesterday I found out that I will be receiving daily emails, filled with inspiration and to do’s, which by every account should be freaking me out, (I didn’t know it was going to be daily emails) and yet, I’m calm and excited, jumping up and down for joy and I know that everything is exactly as it should be and I am more than excited about both Soul Vows and Blogging from the Heart.


I am inspired!!!

And so my beautiful friends, I’ll be sharing my journey from my heart here on my blog.  Please feel free to comment, ask questions, offer your help if you feel moved to do so.

I am journeying with an open heart.



© Masha Gitel Ellman 2015

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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

4 thoughts on “Getting by those Critical Inner Voices

    1. Hi Claire, Thanks for the encouragement. They always show up, don’t they? The thing is to be able to recognize them and set them aside. ❤


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