I’ve Reached a Milestone in My Recovery

OMG I can’t stand it I’m so deliriously happy. YEAHHHH!!!! Freedom!!! I drove myself to Target yesterday for the first time since my surgery and I feel like I have crossed a milestone.  It’s been six weeks and I’m not going to lie to you, this recovery has been kicking my butt.  I’m finally now starting to get back to my awesome self.  I’m still not 100% recovered, I’m released from therapy but I still have a ways to go, and it’s getting easier now.  Walking every day and using the stationary bike is what’s helping me to heal my knee.

And being able to drive myself to the store, well that is just a whole other level of joy – it’s total heaven.

palm tree


So, I’m sharing some photos I took yesterday, and by the way the peaches are so good right now. 🙂  And it feels soooooo good to be stopping along the way and taking photos.


Look at the color on these cherries.



blue flower

And here’s a thought for you –

Cherish your health, love your body, nourish your mind every day!!!



Have a Wonderful Weekend

The weather is gorgeous here in the Southwest, it’ll be in the 70’s today.  Time for long sleeves and maybe a thin sweater (yes love that) love the feel of fall.

Red fall flowers.jpeg

I’ve been looking for thin everyday casual sweaters just to wear for when I’m home, something loose and comfortable but I haven’t been able to find anything.  When I was in Target a couple of days ago I got the idea to look in the men’s section and I found the perfect pull over cardigan style sweaters.  They are thin and soft and feel good against my skin and fit me just the way I like it.  (Just hope they don’t shrink in the wash :))

Sweaters .jpeg

On my walks and runs to the store this past week, I’m still seeing all the beautiful fall colors honoring the  fall season.  And of course I couldn’t resist taking pictures of these beauties.

Pots of fall flowers.jpeg

And yes, pumpkins are still abundant and everywhere I go.  Can’t resist snapping a pic.

pumpkins #2.jpeg

And this weekend I’ll be enjoying a good hot cup of Jo(y)

Cup of coffee.jpeg

Hope you have a wonderful, fabulous, blessed weekend.

Feel free to share your thoughts, what have you been up to this past week?  What are you planning for this weekend?  Love to hear from you.

Fall Blessings

Copyright Masha G. Ellman 2016

Magical Fall Season


Sometimes I just walk into the unexpected and I feel magical moments.  I got these shots the other day while at the supermarket, it was an unexpected delight.  I was really surprised by the display of fall harvest in the store,  I felt the season for the first time this year.   Living in the desert I don’t get to experience the full richness of the fall season like I did in the Northeast, so seeing all these pumpkins on display brought fall into focus for me, I was reminded of sweaters, fire place, hot tea to warm up and chicken soup for the soul.

The smell, the colors, the start of the holiday season, the letting go of the old, of going within and pumpkin pie.  The one thing I have to have is a slice of pumpkin pie with a dollop of cream on top.  I look forward all year to this delicious treat.  Yummy!  Can’t wait.


I love the way the white pumpkins just shine here.


And these gorgeous flower pots were gracing the front of the store greeting, welcoming me announcing the season.   What an amazing universe we live in.  And the magic continues.

pumpkins-white-orangeAnd the pumpkins are everywhere I go.

pumpkin-cornHere’s a tip about making pumpkin pie.  I was watching Martha Stewart (love her) on the Create channel and she said that she doesn’t use canned anything but the one thing that is allowed and acceptable in her kitchen is canned pumpkin for pie making.  It tastes just the same as if you were to prepare the pumpkin from scratch and this saves you a lot of time.

I hope you enjoyed this post and bring some of the fall magic into your life.  Please feel free to share your favorite thing about this season.  Share your photos if you like love to see them.

Fall Blessings

Copyright Masha G. Ellman 2016


How to Reach Your Goal

I was just telling my son the other day that I don’t have the same will power that I used to have and I’m not really sure why? Lazy maybe? Last month I decided that I wanted to lose 20 pounds for my birthday in November, (I’ll be 70) and I set my intention to be mindful of what I feed my body. But, I haven’t really stuck to my intention, if anything it’s been the opposite and this last week I have totally fallen off that wagon. Aghh! (not a good thing)

I realized that if I don’t keep my goal in front of my mind all the time I easily deviate from it. So with the full moon in Capricorn and the sun in Cancer right now, this is a great time to begin again and to keep myself responsible and accountable for reaching my goal.


Studying Tarot I found out that according to the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot that my personality card is Strength, I’m keeping this Tarot card as a reminder to keep myself strong, to empower me and know that – I can do it. I am not giving into my laziness I am stronger than it.

Here is my course of action:

I have placed sticky notes on my bathroom mirror so I can be reminded first thing in the morning and on my fridge as reminders.

When I’m in the supermarket I’m not even going down the potato chip aisle, I’m boy cutting that, nothing there I need, not even looking.

I’m keeping a shopping list to keep me on track and not deviating from it.

When the urge to ‘nosh’ overtakes me, I’m reminding myself that I am a food addict, and that the desire is only a momentary thought in my mind and I’m stronger than that.  I can turn it around and get passed it.

Giving gratitude at the end of the day for my accomplishment for that day, will strengthen my resolve to meet my goal.

My affirmation –

                                     I am strength!

This will keep me tuned into and responsible for my own nurturing, health and reaching my goal, and I hope that I can report to you guys in November that YEEEAAAAHHHH!!! I’ve done it.

What do you do to stay on track to reach your goals?  Lets share and encourage each other.

The card above is from the Wild Unknown Tarot deck.


Copyright Masha G. Ellman 2016


The Magic of Flowers

“The earth laughs in flowers” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

“I must have flowers, always, and always” ~Claude Monet



I love taking photos of flowers it stirs a creative note inside me that has been dormant for too long. I have always loved flowers since from the time I was a very small child.

These are just some of the beauties I saw and had to capture through my lens when at the supermarket. And this is a perfect time of the year to catch the magic of summer flowers. The colors are so rich they evoke happiness you can’t help but smile as you feast your eyes on them.

Their openness calls to you inviting you to open to your own inner beauty and let it shine out.

Flowers have power they nourish our psych. They touch us at our very core and fill us with happiness all the way down to our cells. You cannot look at a bouquet of flowers or at even one flower and not feel something.


Flowers stir our emotions. We use flowers to decorate our homes and ourselves. In Hawaii culture a woman will wear a flower on the right side of her hair close to her ear to show that she’s single and available. We decorate our places of worship and our altars. We use them as offering to our Goddesses. Red roses are for Our Lady of Guadalupe; the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi is depicted sitting on a pink Lotus flower and a lotus flower is associated with Buddhism, mindfulness. A yellow rose is given as a token of friendship.

We use them for baptisms. Weddings and funerals and everything in between.

They speak to us and are connected to us on a level that we do not readily understand.

We give them as tokens of our love. We bathe in their fragrance; we drink their nectar and wear perfume laced with their fragrance.


I buy flowers often and have them in my home. First I thank them for their beauty and for the energy that they fill my home with. Every time I walk by them I can’t help but smile. They have a way of uplifting our mood, put a smile on our face and fill us with an overall sense of wellness. They fill my space with joy.

When they are finished and ready, I thank them again for filling me with happiness and beauty.


Remember every single thing in this universe is conscious and by thanking them and being grateful for their presence, you are honoring the very force of creation.

“The force that through the green fuse drives the flower…” ~Dylan Thomas


Happy flowers!!!

Copyright Masha G. Ellman 2016