3 Ways to Tune into Your Intuition

Have you ever had a feeling that seemed totally crazy and made no sense, only later to find out that you should have followed that feeling?  This has happened to me many times, I get a gut feeling about something like take a sweater to the restaurant but my rational self kicks in and tells me that’s crazy it’s 100 degrees outside, only to regret later that I didn’t listen to my self and bring a sweater because it’s freezing inside the restaurant.


I think most of us have had an awareness of our inner knowing, our intuition, a time when we had a feeling in our gut and we just knew something without knowing how we knew it, but we rationalized it and questioned it and later regretted that we didn’t follow it.

Your intuition is your inner compass, it’s your own magical north star, and it always wants to guide you for your highest good.  Unfortunately we’re not taught to listen to our own self, we’re taught to seek advise and listen to outside influences.

If you want your life to flow more easily than it’s time to get tuned into your intuition.

Here are 3 ways to get started:

Tune into your body, when you get that feeling stop and pay attention to it.  Mostly it’s a gut feeling, a knowing that you get.  If the sun is shining but your gut is telling you to take an umbrella with you,  take it.

Sonia Choquette who is a world renowned six sensory spiritual teacher, says that the best way to begin is to “get a small pocket notebook that you can carry with you at all times.  Every time you get a hunch, gut feeling “AHA!” moment…jot it down in your notebook.  Don’t let your ego censor, judge, discriminate or in any way edit the information or feelings you receive.  Don’t worry if your vibes feel silly, irrelevant, irrational, or stupid; or if you think that what you feel is nothing more than your imagination.  Write it all down anyway.  Your mind will see that every vibe you have makes sense in one way or another over time.”

Trust – when you get that mystical feeling about something, trust it, even if it makes no sense in that moment.  Follow your inner feeling.  And by the way trusting yourself will build up your self-confidence.

Your intuition is not loud, it’s subtle, it nudges you quietly, it warns you when you’re in danger, it guides you to what is best for you.  It’s a knowing that you get that cannot be explained, you just know things.  While the gardner was here last week I had a gut feeling that the new guy helping him messed up the sprinklers, I knew this before I had solid proof.

It’s important to bear in mind that there are other energies working within you, for example there’s your rational mind and your ego so learn to distinguish between those and your intuition. The more you become aware of and follow the urgings of your intuition,  the more connected you’ll be with your inner knowing, and following your inner knowing is showing up for yourself.  The more you show up the greater your life becomes.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment.



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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

6 thoughts on “3 Ways to Tune into Your Intuition

  1. This has happened to me a lot and usually I just ignore it and think about it later. I have a lot of “I should haves”. Next time I’ll stop and pay more attention like you said. 😀

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  2. You are so right, Masha. That ‘gut feeling’ or intuition may be loud or quiet, logical or make no sense whatsoever, but it’s there for a reason and we need to tune in, listen to our bodies and read the signals, and trust in our intuition more. I’ve been trying to do that more and more over the years as when I was younger I tended to ignore it, especially if there was other logic that went against it. xx

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    1. Me too, I’m trying but I don’t always listen to my inner guidance and always, always without fail when I don’t follow my intuition I see later that I should have. But, with conscious effort, the more I do follow the less I have times when I don’t so that’s great. Thank you Caz ❤


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