A Message of Hope from the Universe

I was looking through Instagram last week, not really paying any particular attention to anything, I’m still recovering from the surgery and my concentration right now is very minimal, when suddenly these words just jumped out at me and struck me – this too shall pass – Oh WOW!!! I turned off my phone and  I quickly wrote them down so i don’t forget them.  I sat there holding them inside of me, allowing them to linger taking in their meaning and their magick.


These words were exactly what I needed.  I’ve been so caught up in the web of this recovery, that I’m not seeing the light.  Mostly I have no energy and I’m dragging through the days.  In my last blog post (here) I wrote about being deliriously happy because I can drive myself now, and I am but, I’m far from recovered.  This recovery is not a walk in the park, I’m not back to my normal self and I haven’t been able to get back into my daily routine, into a rhythm that supports and uplifts my life every day.  I know it will take time but I wasn’t remembering this when those words screamed out at me.

When we’re going through a rough patch, no matter what it is, a divorce, a recovery, an emotional time, we don’t remember that things will get better, that we will get through this, that we will be ok.  It’s hard to see an end, it’s hard to envision light when in the dark.  But, the truth is that whatever we’re going through, is not going to last forever, it will get better.  We live in a universe that is always changing and moving and so are we, that’s just how it is.  And regardless of anything, as this amazing Universe reminded me, the truth is that no matter what –

this too shall pass.

I’m carrying these words with me, empowered and hopeful with the knowing that I’ll be ok and I’m hoping that it brings you comfort as it does for me – knowing that whatever you’re going through is not forever and will pass.



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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

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