A Message from Your Angels

Be conscious of nourishing your joy.

It’s so easy to get lost inside the everyday hustle and to forget your joy.

conscious joy

Reminder alert here –

Nourish your joy every day, don’t let it fall to the wayside and let yourself get caught up in negative thoughts that are not serving you well.  Be conscious of your joy, if you’re not feeling it, stop and ask yourself what are you feeling?  How important is that feeling to you?  If it’s not brining you joy, why are you holding on to it?  Let it go, get conscious and do something that brings you joy, and hold on to that instead.  This can be as simple as taking a break and sitting quietly having a cup of coffee, calling on your angels and asking them to help you feel joy, drawing a doodle for a few minutes, or mindfully affirming that you are joy.  Your body, mind and soul will thank you, and your angels will be dancing all around you.

Your angels want you to know that joy is your gift, and you’re here to feel joy – allow joy to flourish.

Angel blessings



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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

4 thoughts on “A Message from Your Angels

  1. Such a beautiful reminder. It’s so easy to get swept along in life and stresses and forget our joy, neglect to appreciate the goodness. I think many of us, myself included, need regular reminders like this to slow down and be conscious, assess what brings us joy, let go of what doesn’t. Thank you for sharing this, Masha  ♥

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