A Message From the Universe

A couple of days ago I woke up with this phrase in my mind – I desire my life – and at first I thought I knew exactly what it means.  Of course, what better than to desire your own life?  To want it so much that you can’t stand it.  To desire it with all the perfections and the imperfections, all the everything, desire it to its deepest essence.


But, then I realized that I don’t really know what this phrase means, that it goes beyond just the surface and that there’s a much deeper and richer meaning here.  Yes, I love my life, but what does, I desire my life mean?  I’ve been thinking on this ever since.  I even wrote it down on a sticky note and stuck it on my fridge.

Sometimes I get a message, a phrase, or a word that pops into my mind and I don’t always know the why, the meaning, or what I’m suppose to do with this.  The answer is not always clear and in plain view.

I think that sometimes when we get a message, we’re meant to just sit with it and be patient with it.  It’s like the universe has planted a seed that we have to allow to take root, and grow, unfold and reveal itself in its own time, divine time.  We’re meant to take a journey with it, there are things that need to get uncovered along the way.

Maybe I should take the question and turn it around and ask – what about my life do I not desire?  This one question may be enough to bring to light what has been hidden from me, something I haven’t thought of before, but that I need to explore to open a new doorway within.

So my journey with – I desire my life – begins.  I have no idea where it will lead me to, or how it will unfold, but I’m trusting and welcoming the process that will open a deeper knowing within.

Does this resonate with you?  Does it spark an idea for you?  If you’re feeling it I’d love to hear from you.



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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

13 thoughts on “A Message From the Universe

  1. Ooo this is a fascinating one, and I think you’re on to something with thoughts like this, how we should sit with them because “universe has planted a seed that we have to allow to take root, and grow, unfold and reveal itself in its own time”. Definitely an interesting way to explore your life through the notion of desiring it, rather than simply living it, putting up with it, making do, loving it but maybe not actually ‘desiring’ it in such a sense. Great post! x

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    1. Oh wow what a great compliment 🙂 although I’m not sure about being ahead of anyone, I think that we’re just each on our own journey going at our own pace. And actually we’re all getting messages all the time, we just need to learn to tune into receiving. Thank you Kay ❤

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  2. Sometimes I get thoughts in my mind that I couldn’t have possibly said myself. So, I know it must be from an angel or my higher self. These are things you have to pay attention to or even meditate on. It has meaning for you or maybe something you were thinking about. Maybe a decision you need to make and you have received an answer from the divine. I have learned a lot from courses I have taken on DailyOM (thanks to you). So many questions I had before I now understand. Life is so amazing to be embraced and the possibilities are endless. Once you realize you are being communicated with, and you acknowledge their communication, “they” will communicate more. Never hesitate to ask and they won’t hesitate to answer. 🙂

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    1. I really believe that the universe communicates with us all the time, sometimes we may get a message that we know we couldn’t have possibly have thought of ourselves, like you say, and you know it’s from a higher source, and sometimes the message that we need is delivered in a conversation, or words on a bill board that we see while driving by. I feel that I was suppose to tell you about Daily OM, that I was the messenger 🙂 I’m so happy that the courses from Daily OM have answered questions for you, I love their courses. And like you say, you always have to ask, something I’m not all that great at and need constant reminders. I love this universe. Thank you.

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