Hello November – Reflection

For me, I love November, it’s my birth month, and I’ve made it the month for inner self reflection.  But, I also feel that November is the month that invites us all to spend some time to reflect on ourselves.  For looking within and getting naked to uncovering the truth of who we are.

November asks us to remove the layers that are blocking our inner growth and allowing the beauty of who we are to shine through.

hello november

Look within yourself – What are you holding onto that is no longer serving you? What old hurt are you still carrying around with you? What stories are you telling yourself that are keeping you small, in pain, blocked? Where do you need to love yourself more? What are you not giving yourself?…

Get naked to your question, don’t embellish it with thoughts that will cover up your true feelings. It’s only if you can see yourself in the naked truth, that you can remove what doesn’t work for you, what is blocking you, what is keeping you from love . Open up that space to allow new energies to fill you – new energies that will support you on your journey, that will uplift you, inspire you, heal you, that will carry you in gentle ways into a higher place of inner wisdom.  Of course you can look within yourself anytime of the year, but doing it now in November helps to clear the way for the intentions you want to set for the new year, and for a new vision for yourself.

So give yourself the gift of inner self-reflection, and clear the way for opening up to the magical gifts the universe is holding out for you.

Come and share your thoughts in the comments below, love to hear from you.




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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

10 thoughts on “Hello November – Reflection

  1. I love the idea of “getting naked” with my emotions! The imagery is so vivid. On the one hand, nakedness is something we’ve been taught to be ashamed of, or at the very least to conceal from public view. While I’m not advocating everyone get out there and shake their money makers, I do think reappropriating the term “nakedness” as a state of freedom, of truth, and lack of artifice is a powerful idea.
    I want my November to be filled with nakedness. But, it’s chilly in Minnesota, so I’ll settle for the emotional sort. 🙂
    Thank you for the thoughtful post.


    1. Angela, it took me years to get “naked” to my emotions. To remove all the fears that stopped me and be able to live the life that is me, the authentic, true, naked me. Thank you for your thoughtful kind comment. ❤

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