April Energy – Grace

“You can have the other words – chance, luck, coincidence, serendipity. I’ll take grace. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I’ll take it.” ~ Mary Oliver

While I was trying to think about the energy of April the word grace popped into my head and honestly I questioned it.  Grace?  I don’t want grace.  What can I do with grace?  I don’t even really know what it means?  What am I supposed to write about grace?

As I started to accept grace (because it wouldn’t go away) and I allowed it to just be, just holding the word in my heart and in my mind, gave me a feeling of calm, of rest, of stepping aside and allowing a force greater than me to take care of me and somehow I knew that in grace all is well.Orchid purple.jpegI don’t fully know what it means, but maybe grace is asking, let go of all the worries and stress and rest in grace, in the calm and in the knowing that you’re being taken care of. That every thing is unfolding in divine timing.  That being stressed does not solve anything.  That holding on to things doesn’t allow growth and movement – that opening up and allowing grace, amazing things will show up. So even though I don’t fully know what grace means right now, nor why it popped into my head and took such a strong hold of me, I do know that as I let go, allow and accept, as I believe more and trust more – grace – will unfold and reveal herself.  Grace.pngI know that there is a power greater than us and trusting that it is always holding, loving and guiding us is maybe a way of being aligned with grace.Blue flower.jpegAs the month of April unfolds so will grace she will unfold and show the power of her miracles, magic and gifts.Orchid purple2.jpegOrchid blue.jpegSo I’ve come to realize so far, that the energy of Grace is here to remind us that we are never alone, that the gifts of the universe are always in front of us, always gracing us, always unfolding for us.  Revealing the indescribable deliciousness of knowing a deeper truth, all we need to do is accept them, believe, trust, and know that we are loved beyond measure and – allow…  Grace!

What are your thoughts about grace?  Come, leave your comment, I’d love to chat.




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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

6 thoughts on “April Energy – Grace

  1. I am always so inspired by your words Masha. They give me lots of thoughts to ponder on and to savour. For me, Grace is also giving myself a bit of slack and being kinder to myself.


    1. Linda, I like that ” giving myself a bit of slack and being kinder to myself.” I haven’t thought of this. And thank you for your kind words, I feel so touched by them. ❤


  2. I love the word grace, the name Grace. I’ve always felt so soothed and settled by it. For me it brings quiet and calm amidst storms. Those photos are stunning.


    1. That’s so great that grace has always brought “quiet and calm amidst storms” for you, I didn’t always know grace in that way but there was something in the word that had a feeling of warmth, I just didn’t understand, and I also always liked the name Grace. And thanks for noticing my flowers. Thanks

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  3. A psychic once told me, “Grace walks beside you.” That was surprising to me because my father’s mother was named Grace, something I only learned after his death, so of course I never knew her. And from what I’ve learned about her, grace did not describe her personality or her life on this earth. I like to think she has found it now, wherever she may be, and it comforts me to think that Grace in all its meanings is with me.

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    1. Oh how beautiful. Thanks for sharing about your grandmother. I was just thinking about grace and how from now on I will always openly carry that energy with me every day. I don’t see it as just for the month of April, it’s for always, as you say it comforts me too to think that grace is with me in all its meanings. Thank you

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