Your Inner Miracle Maker

Are you saying yes to your life?

Are you stepping into your power?

Are you living your true possibilities?

Your true natural?

Are you living your life as the miracle that it is?

Have you found your Miracle Maker within?


We each have a Miracle Maker – that inner part of us that is guiding us, and loving us, and offering the fruits of the universe to us

Do you know your Miracle Maker?

Do you have a relationship with Her?


Your Miracle Maker has always been with you since before you were born

You may dismiss her warnings and think it’s all hogwash

You may wonder why she’s not listening to you and fulfilling your every request, so you may doubt her existence

But, whatever –

Your Miracle Maker is with you

Shining the light inside you

Offering you the gifts that seem way too out there

Seem like impossible to attain

Impossible to believe

Open You up

Listen to your Miracle Maker


Today I’m sharing with you these words that came to me and out of me in one moment in an ordinary day. You never know when creativity will strike, when your Miracle Maker will summon you and you must obey, you must be still and you must be the instrument through which she can come through. Elizabeth Gilbert writes about this in her book Big Magic. If you let your creative genius go, if you let the moment pass, you will never get it back again.  I know this so well, if you shut down and don’t accept, if you don’t make yourself ready and available, if you are not ready right there in the moment she will leave.


I’m not sure who or what my Miracle Maker is.  She’s my intuition, my creativity, my higher self, all of these, I don’t know.  But I know she is inside of me, a part of me.  She nudges me, and calls me, and her gifts are many and brilliant and sometimes I’m afraid to show them.  But not today.

Do you know your Miracle Maker?  Leave your thoughts in the comments below, I’d love to chat.






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My big joy is to inspire, encourage and empower you to live the sweetest life for you. I love to share inspiration, how to, and my own journey towards wholeness and union with our Divine Mother. Oh and I love photography and cooking. I am thrilled that you are here and sharing in this wonderful magical mystery.

4 thoughts on “Your Inner Miracle Maker

  1. I love the idea of a miracle maker. I’ve never heard it put quite like that. Again we seem to be on the same wave length. My new post (about to go live in an hour) is about your inner strength. ❤


    1. Miracle Maker not me who thought of it, my inner wisdom came up with that name and it’s great I love it. And LOL being on the same wave length, it happens to me with a couple of other blogging friends I follow as well. Thanks for your supporting me. ❤


  2. Love the concept of your own Miracle Maker! I’ve had Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert on my shelf for quite a while, and still haven’t read it. I must get on to it! We all have our own creative genius inside in some form.


    1. I love her book, I tried to read it again not too long ago, but couldn’t maybe another day. I know that some of what I write does not come from me, it’s from that creative genius that is inside. Thank you


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